Wednesday, November 27, 2019

George Hewes in American Revolution free essay sample

After establishing Hews sound memory and also cross- checking most of his statements, the biographers where able to confirm to certain extent his participation in Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party. Nonetheless, there Is full evidence that Hews not only was Involved, but was the Centre of attraction during the tarring and feathering of John Malcolm, a loyalist (Kindle Location 534). He also served as a privateer and in militia on and off from 1776 to 1781. He was present at the Stamp Act of 1765, but apparently he was Justas by-stander.On the night of 5th, March 1770, Hews claimed that he was early on the scene at King Street when a barbers apprentice was quarrelling with a British officer over an overdue bill. Young comments that the way Hews said he soon joined the crowd on the as if it were only natural that he should turn out in defense for his fellow townsmen against what was assumed to be the danger of aggressive action by the soldiers. We will write a custom essay sample on George Hewes in American Revolution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Soon there was a riot between the people and the soldiers during which Private Killjoy deals a blow on Hews shoulder with his gun.He wasnt calm with Captain Preston ordering the crowd to back-off and Justified that they had every right to stay there as much as the soldiers did. He was horrified on the turnout of events where a political confrontation by people led to slaughter. Later the next day he was resisted by a group of soldiers for arming himself with a cane. He argues he has a right to carry the cane if he wants to. Possibly, the injustice given out in the Seeder murder trial, Preston Massacre trial stirred Hews up to take a political action.After the unfortunate episode of Boston Massacre, Hews volunteers In the Boston Tea Party of 1 773 to make statement for the crown to repeal the Tea Act. Young quotes Hews explaining the plan of action and his position in it, The commander of the division to which I belonged, as soon as we were on board the ship, appointed me boatswain, ND ordered me to go to the captain and demand of him the keys to the hatches and a dozen candles. I made the demand accordingly. And the captain promptly replied. And delivered the articles; but requested me at the same time to do no damage to the ship or rigging.We then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches, and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard, and we immediately proceeded to execute his orders. Young also writes that when Thatcher Interviewed Hews he found it skeptical for John Hancock to work along Hews side during the event. Yet, Theater confirmed after referring to Thomson Master, one of the other participants, that Hews lead some of the men. George Hews was an iconic figure during the Incident of tarring and feathering John Malcolm, a loyalist with an Infamous reputation In the British Empire for seizing vessels from sailors who he accused of smuggling.On 25th January of 1774, in the afternoon when Hews was 1 OFF his cane. When Hews tries to question his intentions, and when criticized Hews defends that he was not the one who was tarred and feathered. For that Malcolm ends up breaking Hews skull with his cane. Though Hews, while still recovering from the wound, complains to the law to take action against Malcolm, a mob who shares a common hatred against the loyalist, takes an initiative to punish Malcolm themselves as they believed the law would not do any Justice as it failed to deliver before.The lines when they were told the law would take it off (Young, Kindle Locations 563-565) suggest that Hews was completely against the harassment against Malcolm by the mob. He Just wanted the law to deal with it and not by a mob that cruelly punishes the man. In a nutshell, though Hews was the reason for the reciprocation of the event, it was not his intention on the way it turned out to be. Hews played a more prominent role in the events that led to the Revolutionary War than in the war itself. He served as a privateer in the fall of 1776 aboard Diamond, during which they captured a few British vessels.After distress at sea, he returns to Wreath in the fall of 1777 and Joins militia. He serves for a couple of months in 1777 and 1778. Then he sets on a second voyage as a privateer in 1779 for about 7 months. After getting back from his voyage he served in militia on and off from 1780 o 1781. One of the main reason he served was to support his family. Though his participation in the war was minimal compared to events that led to the war it definitely changed his perception towards life and freedom.When he started of a shoemaker he was very humble and seemed that he saw no pride in what was doing. As the time passed with his participation in the events that led to the war, his political perception towards the world changed. He developed firm beliefs in right and wrong, and stood for his what he believed in. At the end of the war he believed hat he did not need to remove his hat for anyone, as he deserved to be treated with more respect for all that he has done for the country so far.Young explains that during the peak time of Cold War, with crusades against revolution abroad, researches on the political revolutions including the American Revolution were in process and many projects were funded to publish the completed papers of the documentation written by the founding fa thers. The major movements such as the Civil Rights movement, Anti-war movement, and womens movement made the historians realize the importance of an individual in a movement and made them study history to the smallest detail.Fascinated by the impact of common people of the time on the revolution, Young sets out studying in particular the mechanics-as master craftsmen, Journeymen, and apprentices came to call themselves-in the making of the Revolution. (Young, Kindle Edition 60-61) He comes across Georges name in many of the events and he gets quite interested to study the view of the events through the perception of a single man. So he sets out researching about Hews and illustrates his findings. It is a not a surprise for George Hews to come out of his zone almost at the end of is life to illustrate the happenings of late sasss.He mainly sets out for the pension that he thought he deserved if he proved his participation in the war. He was not of a major importance as far as the revolutio n is considered but the experience of the events through his view proved to be very resourceful. Also there were no concrete regarding that is either buried or destroyed. For example, Boston Tea Party was originally known as Destruction of Tea which not many know about. According to Young writing about George was an attempt to give the readers a more insightful experience into the revolution.

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